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In Search of Wildlife along the Madison River

We’ve spent the past several days in the park and we can see each day the traffic has subsided a great deal.  I’m interested mainly in seeing some wildlife now. The geysers are beautiful to look at and the hikes have been incredible, but wildlife is my focus now and for the rest of our time here.  Spotting these beautiful animals is a challenge while driving, so I prefer to get on one the numerous trails.  Its too dangerous to be anywhere near the highway with a camera… visitors see that and before you know it there are 15 cars stopped in the middle of the road trying to see what you are taking a picture of.  I have seen people abandon their vehicles partially in the middle of the road while those behind are stopped and trying to pass. It’s Crazy.

I haven’t been particularly lucky with getting great shots yet. Usually it is a “rear” shot or lost in the trees.

I hope there will be more opportunities as we move deeper in the park this week.


Bison rear-2

I seem to get get a lot of these rear angle shots..

Head of Elk



Cow Elk



Elk in the trees
Peeking through the trees




Hunting Along the Madison

Bison in Yellowstone


Today we leave West Yellowstone for a week at Fishing Bridge. I’m hoping for a good look at Bear or Wolves in Hayden Valley or Lamar Valley. I’ve about given up on Moose for now. Maybe when we hit the Teton Area.